Verein für Nonprofit-Management e.V.
Wo we are
Management Board
Newsletter archive
Newsletter Februar 2023
What we do
For students
For organisations
Become a Member
Volunteer with us
Contact us
Name *
Contact Person (If you join on the behalf of an organisation)
If applicable, name of your rganisation:
Street and House Number *
Postcode, City *
E-Mail (für students: not!) *
I join as *
a private person (20€)
an organisation (50€)
a student in the Master of Management in Nonprofit Organisations (10€)
a DAAD Scholarship holder (exempted from the fee)
I voluntarily pay a higher annual contribution
enter the intended amount (€)
I would like to receive a donation tax receipt (for contributions of €50 or more).
Account Data. (DAAD scholarship holders are exempt from the fee only during the period of their study. The amount will be deducted after graduation.) *
Account Owner *
Bank *
I authorize the Verein für Nonprofit-Management e.V. (Association for Nonprofit Management) to collect payments from the account specified above by SEPA direct debit. Contributions are due and will be collected in the middle of each financial year. At the same time, I instruct my bank to honor the direct debits drawn on my account by the Verein für Nonprofit-Management e.V. I commit to informing the association of any future changes to my account details by email to and understand that I am responsible for any transfer fees incurred should I fail to provide timely notification.
I consent to the electronic processing of the information I have provided here by Verein für Nonprofit-Management e.V. (Association for Nonprofit Management) If I have any questions or wish to revoke this consent, I can contact the treasurer by email at